Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bogus holidays

earth day, really. how about mars day, or saturn. if we are going to arbitrarily celebrate things that we experiance love for everyday, how about air day, or rain day, or chocolate day, there is one that i could really get behind...
yes, i know that i am being cynical. and that i should be a better person and build a compost bin already, but really i do the best that i can under thecircumstances to save money, buy locally, and be earth friendly.
but unfortunatly it is not always friendly on my wallet to be earth friendly because buying organic and nature happy products takes a serious chunk of change from my wallet. i already work ten hour days to be able to make ends meet.
recently i have taken up carpooling with my husband to save money, and yes, it also reduces the "carbon footprint" the real reason that we are doing it is to save money.
sorry earth, for the non-rich, saving money will likely trump saving you.

1 comment:

Susanna Hempstead said...

haha i love that last sentence!! so hilarious!