Wednesday, December 9, 2009

a day off

this is my day husband wakes me at six am as he leaves the house and i stumble out of bed after him to kiss him goodbye and to slao snag the advil i left in the living room last night. unfortunatly instead of staying up, geting my shower and coffee, i go back to bed and snooze till 8am, then get up in panic.. thinking im drastically late to work... of course its my day off. but my day off has been carefully constructed so that i can cordone myself to the couch with my laptop so that i can finish writing all those lovely papers that are due tomorrow. and study for my art history final.... tomorrow... but honestly.. all i want to do is hide in a corner of my house and cut out pretty pictures from magazines and glue them into my "i like this" notebook making pretty calloges....

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